For a long time, i wanted to have a website carrying my name. But then, never bought the domain coz I didn’t know what to do with it. Now quarantine boredom gave me a idea. Why not post everything that’s happening in my life at a granular level. Fb and insta is for the best in gallery. The other pics and memories deserve some celebration too. So, here i am. Launching OnePicTalk. Will log in all my memories and thoughts here. One pic and and short note on it.. like a diary. This would be my first post ☺️. So the front page of my website is done. After lots of thinking over what to share in the first page, i decided it should give a quick glimpse of who i am, my bio, my location and my interests. And after lots of editing work.. it’s finally done. And this is the first look on launching 😎😁. Many thanks to my dost Siraj for helping me with the site’s intial setup. Server.. hosting gajagaja…

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