It’s the thirst to ‘LIVE’….

Felt my wings spreading for the first time…

This is easily the most craziest thing i have ever done… Forget the views from the top.. those are complimentary stuff.

The thrill, the adrenaline rush and the discovery of feelings unknown when you are at the edge of the plane’s exit with the shutter open, pausing a little to catch the moment and then taking a dive not knowing if you would survive this stuff, having a free fall for a while with the wind pushing you in every direction possible and gradually getting stable realising that your wings are slowly spreading and you’re literally flying, and then relaxedly taking in, the mind blowing bird’s eye view of the palm islands, the beautiful city, the ocean and the deserts… Man.. you will be least bothered about the chute’s functioning or your surviving.

And then when your guide pulls the parachute out rushing you upwards at 200 kms/hr, not knowing if you’re a human or a goddamn missile and then with the chute fully open, you peacefully gliding downwards with somersaults and you taking over the control with few seconds of training… And then landing slowly with the thoughts of what you just did, filling your eyes with happy tears….. “Dear angels or demons, I’m ready !” would be your words.

Just after the dive @ 13000 ft, when i was going speechless over the kind of experience i was having, the guide says, ” Welcome to my office”. How cool…

Simple but thought provoking words… If that isn’t living.. what is?

The goal is to die with memories.. and not dreams

Signing off 26 in style…

#SkyDive_Dubai #Dubai_Diaries

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