With gym and pool closed for a long time, got to take alternatives to aid fat loss. Since the start of lockdown, trying to be consistent in term of home workouts.. diet and stuff… Reduced 4kgs… And that took a whopping 3 months coz of extensive variations and experimenting. Tried out intermittent fasting at the end of May. 3 days of fasting and 4 days of regular common man diet… Idly.. dosa.. Biriyani.. back on plate ❤️. Well the result was neither an increase nor a decrease. Got stuck at 80. Well, on one hand, i wanted a weight/fat loss and on the other hand i am getting to eat my favourite foods back on alternative days. I chose weight loss and here i am. Intermittent fasting.. tick. On non fasting days.. i eat high protein foods with a bit of low calorie high fibrous low sugar carbs. 3 meals and all meat 🍗. The one in the pic is my favourite… Chicken, mushrooms and onions roasted on a pan with some other basic taste boosting ingredients. Filling and new for a breakfast. Meat for lunch.. meat for dinner. And on fasting days… nothing for breakfast… a bowl of salted popcorn for lunch and dinner. A glass of fresh juice in the evening. That’s less than 200 calories all put together. Topping these are resistance and cardio training every morning at home. Started this pattern on June 1. Today, on 13th, i stand at 77 kgs. 3 kgs in 13 days. That’s some real motivation to continue.Fasting on Mon, Wed and Fri. No tiredness… No craving.. Going absolutely great. Determined to stay consistent till 30th targeting 75. Will share a follow up post on 30th. 🤘

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