Home gym… Starters

Home gym… Starters

The review on the resistance bands in still pending. But long story short.. they didn’t meet expectations. Ironically they didn’t have resistance and snapped one by one. Can’t pull much. I made some repairs myself yet  was worried over breaking them again and again. So had to compromise my efforts in terms of workout which i wasn’t okay with. Thought…

Samyang 2X Spicy… 🔥

Samyang 2X Spicy… 🔥

Ahh.. it was all over the internet and ppl wer posting their experiences on insta and YouTube. I waa wondering wat the fuzz was all about. I have eaten lots of spicy stuff and thought ppl wer exaggerating. I remember seeing these being sold along the Poon Hills Gorepani trekking trail for the trekkers. It was priced premium and was…



Probably mine would be the easiest to design.. 😎 FB is/was going crazy over the new avatar tool it has released. Well i didn’t see any option to try it. Maybe it’s only for the privileged apps users. But, for a long time i wanted to do one for me.. and the fb thing kickstarted it again. Found a tool…

Breaking the 30 day diet in 25… A carbyy reward

Breaking the 30 day diet in 25… A carbyy reward

So, now that i reached my planned target in less than the duration planned, i started to crave for some bad carbs even before wrapping the remaining 5 days. For the past 2 days, i was badly waiting to have some dosa and coconut chutney. Satyama, i dono why these two. They are not even in favourites. Yet i wanted…

Accomplished with 7 days left 😎

Accomplished with 7 days left 😎

So, this a follow up on the post dated Jun 13. 10 days from there and lost another 2 kgs. That’s a total of 5 kgs in 23 days😎. Intermittent fasting – Protein rich food – Resistance cum Cardio Training…. The combo is magical 😍 The target was supposed to be reached in 30 days. Rewards and better targets in…

Evil Nails… Nostalgic

Evil Nails… Nostalgic

As i was peeking outside my balcony to get some views and fresh air, these flower buds took me on a time travel to my 4th or 5th grade at school. There would be plenty of these trees in our school ground and we used to go crazy over these flowers to craft these nails 😁. Every afternoon after the…

50 years young ! Happy Birthday Amma

50 years young ! Happy Birthday Amma

It was only until a few years back, i even got to know when her birthday is.. Even she didn’t care to remember it, coz no one celebrated it ever since i have known. Same is the case with dad. Yet she was the one wanted my 1st Birthday to be celebrated the right way. Both being brought up with…

Chicken & Mushroom Gajagaja… Intermittent fasting Breakfast

Chicken & Mushroom Gajagaja… Intermittent fasting Breakfast

With gym and pool closed for a long time, got to take alternatives to aid fat loss. Since the start of lockdown, trying to be consistent in term of home workouts.. diet and stuff… Reduced 4kgs… And that took a whopping 3 months coz of extensive variations and experimenting. Tried out intermittent fasting at the end of May. 3 days…

Second continuous cloudy and breezy day.. Annanagar, Chennai

Second continuous cloudy and breezy day.. Annanagar, Chennai

Wish Chennai’s summer quota is over. Opened my windows after a long time. 3 months of home and am totally worried about the energy bills. The need for air conditioning has become zero only in the last two days. Benefits of Work from Office realized 🙏😰

My personal website is done and live now..

My personal website is done and live now..

For a long time, i wanted to have a website carrying my name. But then, never bought the domain coz I didn’t know what to do with it. Now quarantine boredom gave me a idea. Why not post everything that’s happening in my life at a granular level. Fb and insta is for the best in gallery. The other pics…